Support4Choice is a service provider established by social care
professionals who are passionate about enabling young people and adults to make life choices, lead fulfilling and independent lives. Our leaders are highly qualified Social Workers whose experiences range between 10 -20 years working in various roles and departments within the Social Care settings. We are based in Essex and proud to provide support to our local community and across the United Kingdom. Our goal is for the individuals we support to live fulfilling and independent lives in comfortable and safe environments in or outside of their family homes.
Our Mission Statement
People are at the heart of what we do, valuing choice and independence.
Our Staff
Our staff compliment consists of qualified and highly experienced social workers, support workers and health care assistants. Our Carers are compassionate and trained to respond to your individual needs in a dignified manner. We support you to make safe and independent choices.
How we provide service
We provide individualised support informed by comprehensive care planning and risk assessments. We provide bespoke care for our clientele and your choice and voice are central to developing your support plan.
Our Core Values
We promote independence and give you the opportunity to make informed safe choices from a range of options.
Respect & Integrity
We respect and celebrate individuals’ differences and we seek to understand your values, needs, abilities and limits. We take what others have to say and their views seriously and we are open about our views, what we are able to do and what we cannot do.
Equality & Diversity
We are inclusive and respectful of all the individuals we support regardless of their background.
Ambition & Imagination
We offer opportunities and support for people to realise their aspirations, abilities and to achieve their full potential in all areas of their lives.
Commitment to Quality
We earn the trust placed in us by insisting on quality and striving to get basics of quality of care- safety, effectiveness and client experience right every time. We encourage and welcome feedback; and use this to improve our service provision and build on our success.
We acknowledge that people have the right to be free from intrusion or public attention in their affairs.